Monday, April 8, 2013

Attention Modern Catholics: Even the Poor Appreciate Tasteful Classical Music

And What Better Place to Express Beautiful Music than for God in Sacred Liturgy

With the election of Pope Francis who has been quoted as saying, "Oh, how I wish for a Church that is poor and for the poor!" many are fearing what liturgical changes may come.  Some modernists may even want to exploit these words to sink classical traditional expression in our liturgies once and for all.  The liturgical changes I'm speaking about are those that remove beautifully orchestrated polyphonic chant, classical music, and the best and most fitting adornment we can give to our worship of the Almighty with the best fruits of our labors and our best God-given talents from the Mass because it does not represent the poor.  Well, who said the poor don't appreciate beautiful music?  Moreover, who said the poor couldn't actively participate in providing such splendor to our liturgies?  The following video proves that, yes even the poor appreciate the splendor and glory of our classical musical tradition.  It further displays that these young musicians, using instruments from recycled garbage, can teach us lackluster Catholic musicians a few things about the splendor and beauty of our western classical music heritage:

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