Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why do Our Bishops Exile Fellow Pro-Life Bishops?

Answer: The Scourge of Conscience

When the USCCB demotes and attempts to isolate outspoken pro-life bishops, they do so because they are reminded that they are duty-bound to lead with the same manliness, and not simply 'smile and wave with the mob'. According to the Washington Times, Pro-life bishops, that is, those courageous few bishops who put their money where their mouth is and walk the talk are continually relegated to lower positions within the USCCB. Those heroic bishops, by denying Communion to obstinate pro-abortion policy making Catholic dissenters until they have repented of their pro-abortion stances, are the modern Thomas More's of our time. May our entire USCCB exhibit the same manliness in the coming persecutions as those saintly men of God currently leading by example.

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